Our strength comes from our belief that only by acting together can ordinary working people organise for their mutual benefit.
UNISON prides itself on being a member-led organisation that operates not only as a bargaining and negotiating body but also as a campaigning group.
UNISON negotiates with employers at local, regional, and national level about pay, terms and conditions.
The branch also provides advice and support to members with grievances, such as bullying and discrimination, and representing members and disciplinary procedures. This can include legal support where appropriate.
If you are not currently a member and would like to be you can join either online or come find any one of the reps and we can get you an application form.
We aim to keep you up to date with developments within NPTCBC and other organisations that are relevant to our members.
Being a member of UNISON gives you access to many services and benefits. Such as…..
- Advice, support and help when you need it at work.
- Legal services for you at work and your family at home.
- Financial assistance and debt advice in times of need.
- Helpline open until midnight.
- Compensation for accidents and injuries at work.
- Member discounts – including up to 50% off holidays.
- Education, training and support.
This site provides information to members that is not only specific to our branch, but also includes information from regional and national events which may provide useful information…
If there’s anything else you think we should include on the site, please contact us and let us know.
Branch Officers

Mike Bendyk
Branch Chairperson
Mike Bendyk
Branch Chairperson
I am very much looking forward to serving our members as Branch Chair and promise to give it 100%. I have been a Stewart in leisure for over 20 years and I can’t wait to play a more active part in all aspect of the branch moving forward. Thanks to everyone who voted for me.
Thanks Mike
My details are.
Tel – 07792872178

Mark Fisher
Branch Secretary, Labour link Officer
Mark Fisher
Branch Secretary, Labour link Officer
Mark is our branch Secretary. Mark supports, advises and represents members on a daily basis. He also negotiates on a local, regional and national level.

Leonie Isaac
Assistant Branch Secretary, Communications Officer, Branch Admin Officer
Leonie Isaac
Assistant Branch Secretary, Communications Officer, Branch Admin Officer

Neelo Farr
Treasurer, Labour Link Officer
Neelo Farr
Treasurer, Labour Link Officer
I am a Social Worker, working in the Emergency Duty Team.
I have 5 sons, 2 granddaughters and 5 grandsons. I have been active in Unison for many years. I am the treasurer of the Branch and job share the Labour Link role

Dave Coleman
Vice Chairperson, Health and Safety Officer
Dave Coleman
Vice Chairperson, Health and Safety Officer
” I’m David, I’ve been with the union for 8 years now and I’ve been actively involved in many campaigns with a focus on equalities issues, low paid workers and lobbying for better pay and working conditions for all staff. Always happy to have a chat and support members in any way I can, feel free to stop me to say hi or discuss any issues you might have!”

Lisa Walters
International Officer
Lisa Walters
International Officer
A bit about me:
I am a Welsh Italian, have 3 boys, several grandchildren, love walking, running, food, and nature.
I have been a Unison member for over 20 years, and have been an officer for several years, and I am presently a Health & Safety Officer, and International Officer for Unison.
Contact address
Neath Port Talbot Council
The Quays
Brunel Way
Baglan Energy Park
SA11 2GG
Tel 01639 763925

Justin Thompson
Equalities Officer
Justin Thompson
Equalities Officer

Hazel Dance
Welfare Officer, Vice Treasurer
Hazel Dance
Welfare Officer, Vice Treasurer

Alison Lloyd
Communications Officer (Job Share)
Alison Lloyd
Communications Officer (Job Share)
I have been a member of a union all my working life. I think it’s essential to have the back up that the union gives both personally and professionally. I have been the branch Communications Officer since 2010 (at least that is as far back as I can remember!).
Things have changed dramatically over this peroid in communication, and we aim to keep up with the times developing social media, websites as well as the traditional newsletters. I’m always looking for new ideas, and helpers, so if you are interested please SHOUT!

Corina Majorana
Sports and Social Secretary
Corina Majorana
Sports and Social Secretary
I have worked for NPT for 24 years. I have been in Unison from the start. I started to get more active during Covid and applied to be a Health and safety rep.
I have now been elected as:
Health and Safety Officer (job share)
Communications Officer (job share)
Membership Officer.
I enjoy being more involved and love working with a great team. Hopefully as a Team we can make a difference to peoples lives. If you fancy getting more involved, don’t to hesitate to contact me. corina123@hotmail.co.uk

Darren Morgan
Sports and Social Secretary
Darren Morgan
Sports and Social Secretary
Hi I’m Darren. I joined Unison as a workplace rep in June 2019. I work for Celtic Leisure as ICT Manager. I’m proud to be part of the campaign group that took Leisure Services back in house to NPTCBC.
The picture is of me at a wedding. It was the first wedding that took place at the Gwyn Hall which is one of the venues that Celtic Leisure manage.
I’m also the Sports and Social Officer for Unison NPT. We’ve not had many events due to Covid but fingers crossed these can restart soon.

Simon Young
Green Officer
Simon Young
Green Officer

Jamie Nichols
Life Long Learning Coordinator
Jamie Nichols
Life Long Learning Coordinator

Melanie Davies
Education and Training Officer
Melanie Davies
Education and Training Officer

Anthony Boyle
Membership Officer
Anthony Boyle
Membership Officer
My name is Anthony Boyle I work Brynamlwg day service. I’m a work place contact for unison I have been doing if for over 10 years.